Cybersecurity Staffing & Recruitment Services

A good strategy is a strategy that can successfully lead the business in a more developed direction and successfully achieve its goals.


Trained Staff


Client Satisfaction

Tools our Candidates are Experts In

Team Strength

QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS, with Industry Certifications like CISSP. CISA, PCI QSA, PA QSA, PCI SSF QSA, 3DS Assessor, OSCP, ISO/EC 27001, ISO/IEC 27701, COBIT, CEH, CHI, CCNA, PMP etc.

Hire Talent

We have a passion for productivity software, but we recognize that productivity as a whole is flawed due to the overwhelming number of tools to manage and the disconnected ecosystems. That’s why we developed PageBolt, starting as an internal tool and now as a means to realize our vision of improving productivity globally.

  1. Scouting for Talent
  2. Campus Recruitments
  3. Pre-filtering & Vetting
  4. Interview as a Service

Lease trained & skilled talent

We have a passion for productivity software, but we recognize that productivity as a whole is flawed due to the overwhelming number of tools to manage and the disconnected ecosystems. That’s why we developed PageBolt, starting as an internal tool and now as a means to realize our vision of improving productivity globally.

  1. Pre-vetted & trained talent pool
  2. Candidates are on our payroll and work on contract basis
  3. Flexible SLAs to reduce customer’s burden
  4. Ease of turnaround of qualified candidates



What they’re saying..

  • Academy
  • Enterprise
This is a staging enviroment